Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's a Pat!

Well, we are happy to announce that, at this point, we have a healthy baby with (from what we can see) all its fingers and toes. It was moving around a lot and made it difficult to get some readings. However, the little stinker would not spread its legs. It had its butt towards we have no idea what we are having. I guess its going to be a surprise unless we end up needing another ultrasound somewhere down the line. That's OK. We have enough gender neutral clothes to get us started...and the nursery is already yellow. If its a boy, we will be set and if its a girl...well garage sale season will have started by we can pick up stuff then if we need it. On the cool side, as you can see by the above photo...they were able to get a 3D/4D's pretty neat. :-) We also got a video of the ultrasound on DVD...If I ever get smart enough, maybe I will try and post it later.

In other toddler is running a pretty high fever. Ryan and Becky noticed it first when he was there while we were at our appointment. The only indication I had was that he was sleeping a lot today. We all thought it might be teething, but I am concerned that it might be something more. He is generally not bothered by new teeth and I often look in there surprised that he has one more. Now, he is very very cuddly and not into doing anything but laying around. Poor squirt. I gave him some medicine and hope that it will kick in soon. Hopefully it's not the flu since neither one of us have received our flu shots yet. He is now sleeping on the couch after falling asleep on Dave, while we are awaiting trick-or-treaters and eating popcorn. Hopefully, he'll feel better in the morning...


The Rock Star said...

Yay for a healthy baby!! :)

Ann said...

How cool! We didn't find out with either of ours, but I knew in my heart...any gut feelings? We've got girl clothes :)