Thursday, October 4, 2007

Baby Update

I had my second appointment this afternoon. I am measuring on track and got to hear the heartbeat again. Things are looking good. By far, Dave was the most memorable of this appointment. Mind you, he worked overnight last night and went straight into Thorntown, came home, then we left for the appointment. He hasn't had much sleep and was getting a little silly. I won't tell the first story because it will make Dave blush, but lets suffice it to say that we came out of the elevators with me crying I was laughing so hard. It took me a minute to get my bearings and give the receptionist the right information. While sitting in the room, waiting for the doctor, Dave starts noticing different things. He pulled the curtain to see where it went...then noticed a light switch with a red switch. He sat and pondered what it might do for a minute, then on a sudden impulse, flicked the switch...ding! He had just summoned our doctor who (fortunately) happened to be walking in right after that. Again, I am embarassed, but can't stop laughing at his antics. He apologizes to the doctor for his child-like curiosity and we move on. At the end of our visit, we get ushered into a partioned area to talk about how much our insurance is not going to cover. Dave sat in the chair, leaned back, and fell backwards hitting his head on the back wall. Seriously, I almost peed my pants. He's fine by the way. He has the Yenerich noggin. During the meeting, he leaned back again and almost fell back AGAIN. Afterwards, he made a point of lifting up the chair and showing the technician lady that it clearly was broken. I just had to laugh and we left. He's so funny when he's tired.

Our ultrasound is scheduled for Oct. hopefully we will find out if its a little girl or boy on that day. I'm really excited! If nothing else, it will be great to see the baby moving around in there. It is undoubtedly one of my favorite moments of being pregnant.

So that's what's new on our end.

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