Thursday, May 15, 2008

Birth Control

I had my 6-week check up today post Callie. It was originally scheduled for tomorrow when Dave would be around to help. However, they needed to it happened today, while Dave is at Thorntown. When I made the appt, I thought...I can do this. It's not hard. We'll go and come back. No big deal. And that friends, was where I was wrong...

It started in the parking lot when I was getting Callie's stroller out. We have two strollers in there now because my double stroller is backordered (sad day). So, when I have two adults, then we use both strollers. I, despite my many capabilities, am not able to steer two separate strollers at once. Even though I explained to Noah that my super powers didn't reach this far, he was still not convinced. He cried about it the whole way up to the 3rd floor. Despite my attempts at saying, "That's enough!"...apparently my super powers don't stretch that way either...he was still crying as I was checking in. This woke Callie up, and SHE started crying. My favorite nurse came out, assessed the situation and took Callie to calm her down. I sat Noah in "time out" until he could calm down, finished checking in, then had to take Noah back with me. I, was now armed with fruit snacks though thanks to the receptionist. Anyway, Trudi, the nurse, is holding Callie. Noah is pouting in a chair while we get the routine stuff done.
Then they move me into a room. I get situated and ready to go and Dr. George brings Callie in, who is at this time, ready to nurse. She offers to let me nurse while she sees another patient and then she would come back. Sure, why not. Noah, thankfully played peek-a-boo in the curtains and had seemingly come out of his funk. When she came back, we noticed a foul smell and realized that Noah had deuced while playing behind the curtains. Wonderful. There was little I could do about it at that moment. He then hid behind the "table" and somehow managed to hurt himself...lending itself to THE tantrum of the day. He's screaming bloody murder, and I, was caught in a situation where I couldn't do anything about it at the moment. Both the doctor and the nurse were in there trying to small talk with me. In my mind, I am thinking..."Let's get this show on the road people!". They asked over the screams, "Is this your first time out with them?" It wasn't, but I was trying to decide if I would look better if I replied, " sure is." Finally, everything got done. I changed Noah's diaper, finished nursing Callie, and trying to get shoes on (both of mine and one of Noah's which he lost in the tantrum).

As I am walking out, I look at the faces of the pregnant women in the waiting room, who I'm sure had heard the screaming and carrying on. I chuckle at their looks. They are thinking one of two things: 1) "My child will NEVER act like that!", which I, myself, so naively asserted before having children. My response to that is, "Honey, you just keep telling yourself that." or 2) "Oh my word...what am I getting myself into?" to which my response is, "In the end, it's all worth it."


Ann said...

I've had wonderful scenes like that with both kids by myself in airports and Walmart...guess that's the blessing of being a working mom, the kids (or at least Henry, at the stage you're at) stayed at the baby sitter's house when I was at the doctor!

mjvan said...

Yikes! I have a hard time keeping Kinley under control and that's when I am taking him to the doctor not me. You are a brave mama!

Smileyface said...

oh are my hero...i never take the 2 of mine to the doctor or shopping at the same time....i would just rather get a sitter and not deal with gabe drama. although he's getting better, you just never know when they're gonna act up. thankfully, ellie has been a very laid back baby so far, gabe has enough drama for both of them...

Always a Beginner said...

Another excellent post. I laughed out loud, and I apologize that it was at your expense. While it may not be funny right now, it will be later. :)