Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It's a Pat!

Well, we are happy to announce that, at this point, we have a healthy baby with (from what we can see) all its fingers and toes. It was moving around a lot and made it difficult to get some readings. However, the little stinker would not spread its legs. It had its butt towards we have no idea what we are having. I guess its going to be a surprise unless we end up needing another ultrasound somewhere down the line. That's OK. We have enough gender neutral clothes to get us started...and the nursery is already yellow. If its a boy, we will be set and if its a girl...well garage sale season will have started by we can pick up stuff then if we need it. On the cool side, as you can see by the above photo...they were able to get a 3D/4D's pretty neat. :-) We also got a video of the ultrasound on DVD...If I ever get smart enough, maybe I will try and post it later.

In other toddler is running a pretty high fever. Ryan and Becky noticed it first when he was there while we were at our appointment. The only indication I had was that he was sleeping a lot today. We all thought it might be teething, but I am concerned that it might be something more. He is generally not bothered by new teeth and I often look in there surprised that he has one more. Now, he is very very cuddly and not into doing anything but laying around. Poor squirt. I gave him some medicine and hope that it will kick in soon. Hopefully it's not the flu since neither one of us have received our flu shots yet. He is now sleeping on the couch after falling asleep on Dave, while we are awaiting trick-or-treaters and eating popcorn. Hopefully, he'll feel better in the morning...

Sono today

Keep checking...Hopefully I'll have some news after our appointment at 2:15! Be praying that the baby cooperates and we can find out girl/boy! :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A good day

Today started with me actually getting my quiet time done in the morning...not first thing, but close. Last night was a hard night for me spiritually as I feel I am struggling with a lot of questions and am not sure how to keep moving forward in my faith. It seems that in the last 2 weeks God has brought all this to the forefront forcing me to to address and deal with it. I feel like there is progress, just no definite "Ah ha!" moments.

Summer and the kids came over in the morning. It was nice for all of us. I realize we hadn't had a play date with anyone in awhile and it was a good chance to use Summer as a sounding board for some of my deeper thoughts. Noah really enjoyed playing with the girls and having kiddos around his age to interact with. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on Isabell. :-)

After they left, I put Noah down for his nap, and finished my book. Although this book was fictional, it addressed a lot of the issues that I am currently facing. So, afterwards I was emotional and crying...a good time to spend time with the that's what I did. I just confessed to God all the areas that I thought were holding me back...and just sat there soaking in the quiet. I then picked up Power Healing...a book I am getting ready to read with a friend. I started reading it and was blown away by the impact it was having on me. It is written by the pastor who started the Vineyard Church. His writing was so powerful because in his stories he had the same questions and feelings that I have been having. I want to see people healed of stuff. He prayed for 10 months unsuccessfully for people...finally when he gave up and became broken about it...God was able to use him. I kind of feel as though that's where I am at. I am in the process of learning to submit to God. My pride gets in the way of allowing God to do whatever he wants to do. The more I read, the more I feel I am gaining some understanding of my situation and the character of God. As much as I wish this were a quick fix...I have a feeling its going to be more of a journey in rediscovering God and learning more about his character and his love for people. Perhaps along the way, my questions will be answered and I can experience God in a really incredible way.

Moving along....When Dave and Noah woke up from their naps, we all headed to the park and played for awhile. It was such a beautiful day. We all had a blast just being outdoors and getting some fresh air.

Now, I am gearing up for our lifegroup party tonight. I am super excited to party with our friends. It should be a lot of fun.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Baptism Sunday

I love baptisms. Baptism's are symbolic of dying to your old self and becoming a new creation with Christ. They are basically your public announcement to the world that you are a Christian. I love them because they are always such joyous affairs. Today we had baptisms at church. Three of our lifegroup members took the plunge and it was awesome. What a time to celebrate!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sleepless in Naperville

Truly, our bed was ridiculously comfortable for a hotel bed. There were more pillows on our bed alone than I think we have in our whole house...and fluffier too. No, the problem for me is I have become such a light sleeper. At 11, kids started yelling and running down the hallway. Everytime our neighbor used his faucet or flushed the toilet, it was well...for lack of a better term...loud.
Then there is the mama in me. Noah sleeping in the same room is hard! He is congested and snored and had a couple of coughing fits in the middle of the night. Poor squirt...but I was up every time. I knew when he started stirring, which was about 30 minutes before he actually got up...and I just laid in bed waiting.
We put cartoons on this morning to buy us a little extra snooze time (since he woke up at 6am). I laid in bed a little longer, but could still hear everything. Dave, fortunately was able to sleep an extra 2 hours, which I'm sure he needed after the week he has had.
Now, we're just sitting, relaxing in the hotel room...until the shower festivities start.

Friday, October 26, 2007

We're Heeeerrrree!

I am currently sitting in my hotel room in Naperville blogging this entry. Dave, my wonderful husband, paid...yes paid...the fee to get wireless internet to our room. That's the problem when you stay in a nicer hotel I guess. Speaking of nice hotels, we are staying in the a suite. It's a beautiful hotel. We pricelined this hotel for a VERY low number never expecting to get it...but lo and behold, here I sit. We paid less for this hotel room than we have for motels lets just say.'s to the king of husband. Don't know how he did it, but it's a great get-away.

We just finished at IKEA. We managed to come home with only a few more things than what we had planned...which for an IKEA trip, is pretty impressive. Unfortunately, they didn't have the bookshelf I wanted in the beech (maple) color...Instead, Noah got birch. Someone told Dave that mixed woods are in now. I'm not sure if that's true or not, or if he was just using it to appease me. The problem is they said that they carried it, but were out of stock and didn't expect any in for 4-6 weeks. We need a solution to Noah's room sooner than that...and we get to IKEA like once or twice a year...not often. So, birch it is. I'm sure it will look fine.

Soon, we are going to check out the pool and allow Noah to expel some energy after sitting in the car and sitting in a seat at IKEA. He has really enjoyed exploring the room and the new too too. :-)

IKEA/ Shower

So, we're off to IKEA, then to Dave's cousin's shower. Dave managed to get home a little after 9 last night and banked 11 hours of good sleep last night. I even managed to sleep in a little as Noah did not wake up until 8:30!

We're packing up and heading out. Hopefully we'll get everything we need to finish off Noah's big boy room. :-)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Can't a guy catch a break?!

Poor Dave. He worked overnight last night (6pm-8am). Only got 2 hours of sleep. From there, he went straight into Thorntown and worked until around 2pm. He came home, visited with us...then we had errands to run before we left for Naperville tomorrow. He had to run to the clinic and the church office. I had to pick up some last minute things, so we rode with him. We got home around 5 and ate dinner. He then laid down on the couch for his first bit of rest for the day. Around 6:15, the phone rings and its the animal emergency clinic. They need him to come in and do an emergency C-section. Why they called him and not one of the shareholders is beyond me, but Dave groggily said that he would go in. So, that's where is at right now...doing a C-section on 2 hours of sleep. I will be SO happy when they can actually hire the correct amount of doctors so that Dave is not always being called to "fill in" (They went from 4 down to 2). It's not fair to him and I can see its also starting to wear him out. He can't take vacation though, because they have no one to cover his's ironicly sad.
Hopefully, he'll get home at a reasonable hour and can get some much needed rest. There are fresh sheets on the bed for him to fall into...and maybe I won't even hit him if he snores. :-)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


So, on Sunday, during my life-analysis of where I was truly at, I made a bold request of God. I asked Him to show me that He still does miracles. I'm a little blown away by His response. In many ways, I am sure that I was just not looking...but here are some of the things that I have heard people tell me since Monday:

  • My dad had a stroke many years ago. Because my grandma is having a series of things with her brain go wrong (and is getting testing) it reminded me of my dad's experience. I called him and we got to talking about the day that he had his stroke. What I didn't realize then was the gravity of his situation. According to the doctors, where it was and how it occurred should have killed him immediately. However, he has no significant lasting effects at all. No paralysis, no vision loss, no death. In talking with him yesterday, I was struck by the miracle that it was and that my dad is still here with me today. He was able to walk me down the aisle and has been able to see his grandchildren. Thanks God for saving my dad.
  • Friends in our lifegroup relayed a story about going on vacation and before leaving, receiving an unexpected $900 check from his boss! It get's better. When they got back, he found out that his boss had paid him for a full 40 hours despite the fact that he had been on vacation for all but one day of that week. God is SO cool.
  • I have a baby that is kicking me in the stomach. :-) The miracle of new life is one that should never be overlooked.
  • Smaller ones are the life lessons that people are learning. I was talking to my friend Halie, and we had a great discussion about all that God is teaching us right now in our lives and how, often, in our weaknesses...God can do the most good. I also had a similar God-filled conversation with my friend Melinda. Being able to have those conversations are testimony to God's goodness.
  • My sister's purse was stolen the other day...and it was found completely recovered...nothing missing (she had already cancelled her credit cards, which was wise, but still...).

I'm sure I can keep adding on....but this is what God has revealed of Himself this week. Looking back at the song we sang on Sunday, "I answered"...I have a different response to that now. God DID answer and He is faithful even to assure our niggling doubts.

Lord, you didn't have to prove yourself to me...but you did. Thank you for reminding me of who you are and how much you really DO in our lives. Forgive my unbelief. Help me to always keep my eyes open to see how you are moving.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I just finished reading about Peter who wanted to walk on water with Jesus. He saw his master doing it. He believed and wanted more so he asked to come out on the water. As he was out there, a strong wind came and scared Peter, and he began to sink. Jesus admonished him, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" Everything within Peter should have known Jesus would have come through. He should have been able to trust Jesus. After all, he had been an eyewitness to all the miracles that Jesus had been performing. Why did he doubt?

I feel like Peter right now. I have seen Jesus do incredible things, both in my life and in the lives of others. I trusted him enough to step out on the water...only now I feel myself sinking for not having enough faith. My only encouragement is that this is only one of Peter's indiscretions, and yet God used him in incredible ways throughout the bible. Perhaps, even this story is to provide hope for those whose faith is flagging. Reach out your hand to trust in Jesus again.

I'm not sure why I feel this way right now, only that I do...and I don't like it. I want to have the faith that can move mountains, that can believe anything is possible. In church on Sunday, we sang a song that went, "I called, you rescued me." I remember thinking, what about the times he didn't? Lately, I have felt that I have prayed with trepidation about the big things in life. "God, please don't let this _________ happen to my friend." but in my heart, I am so afraid that its just going to happen anyway...and has. So, is my lack of faith getting in the way, or am I just not really seeing what God is doing? I understand in my head, that God's will is perfect and that there is a reason for everything...even the bad. I just can't seem to make my heart catch up to that reasoning.

So here I am...I still love Jesus. I still know that God can do anything...I just don't always know if He will. I am still a follower, but a broken and confused one. Perhaps I think too much about it. The children at church trust Jesus completely for their every need, their every boo-boo. They have child-like faith. When in my walk, did I lose the innocence of a child and become a jaded adult?

Lord, Help me find the faith of my youth. I still love you God, despite my confusion. Restore my faith in You Jesus. Help me to remember why I fell in love with You in the first place. You are worth the struggle to come to terms with this. Thank you for using Peter and his walk to teach me. Thank you for giving me hope that despite where I am at now, You still have a plan for my life.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Mandy Monday

Yep, our friend Mandy came over today from Watseka for a visit, hence...Mandy Monday...get it? Yes, I know I'm a dork. Anyway, Mandy grew up with Dave in youth group and I met her when we happened to live on the same floor of our dorm my freshman year. She now has a son, Kinley, who is almost a year old...whom Dave and I have never met. So, anyway, we had a really nice visit. It was good to see her and hang out.

Dave and Noah took off mid-afternoon for some errand running and boy time. I NEVER mind this. They came home with Noah carrying a big bouquet of flowers over to me. It was the cutest thing to see him waddle while trying to carry them. I have great men in my life.

After Mandy left, we ate the pot roast that had been simmering all day...May I just say that I love crock pots. I am tempted to do an entire week of crock pot cooking, just because. You just throw whatever in there and leave it all day...and then magically at 6pm you have dinner. :-)

It was family night tonight as we went and played at the pool at Faith Baptist. We found a (swim) life jacket for Noah at a garage sale...and it completely liberated him. He has always been a water bug, but now he swam "on his own" a little bit and was in hog heaven...whatever that phrase really means. Personally, I am not sure that a hog heaven is really that great...A place where no pigs are slaughtered? I digress.

Anyway, Noah had a great time...and hopefully we have worn him out enough to get some really good sleep. I am heading to the chiropractor tomorrow because my sciatica is really acting up. Yes, I realize I sound like an old women...but its the pregnancy talking. The darn kid is jumping on my sciatic nerve and making my entire left leg and hip hurt...A LOT. My chiropractor is like my crack dealer...he gives me my "fix" and I always feel much better.

P.S.- As we were leaving Faith, we ran into Jonelly who was heading in for her guitar lesson. Noah got to give her a kiss and we got to say hi.

Alright, I'm off to go spend a few minutes with my kiddo before bed time and then to watch Dave watch the Colt's game. :-)

Friday, October 19, 2007

Indy Zoo

Today we went to the Indy Zoo. We had never been there before and we all had a great time. We went with my stepmom, stepsister, and her two kids. Noah LOVED the animals. Because it was cooler out, a lot more of the animals were really active. The lions were walking around, the bears were eating meaty bones, the elephants were active, the seals and walruses were swimming around. We even got to pet sharks.

Noah ran from thing to thing and laughed at the antics of the animals. It didn't rain, and honestly the cooler weather felt great. It was a really nice day and a great way to spend our Friday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wonderful Wednesday

My son slept in until 9:30 this morning! I could stop this blog right now and all you parents out there would understand why this is so wonderful. Mind you, if you have read the earlier blogs, he has been getting up around 6:30ish in the mornings. I woke up at 8 this morning, and just laid there thinking...hmmm, he's not awake yet. I laid there until 8:30 when I finally decided to get up...I ate breakfast, showered, and sat down for awhile, all without having someone else to take care of right away. It was so weird, but wonderful. Finally, around 9:30, he woke up and came out of the room. He looked at my bedroom door, which was closed for a sleeping Dave, then looked at me down the hall, back at the door and then just laid down on the floor. He was just not ready to start the day today. He was so out of it. He had a late night last night playing with River while we were at he didn't get to bed until 9:30, but still...I couldn't believe he slept that long.
After he finally decided to be awake, we stopped by Starbucks and said "hi" to our friend Becky, then did some shopping at Target. Then I headed off (sans Noah) for my lunch date with my childhood bestfriend Jen. We were best friends in the second grade and somehow we have now both landed in Lafayette for at least the time being (she is a grad student). We had Olive favorite place to eat. So, now I am loaded to the gills with soup and breadsticks, have come home and the boys are gone. I'm not really sure where they are, but I hope they're having fun. :-)
The Wellner's are coming over for dinner tonight and Dave is making pulled pork. It turned out really well the last time he made it so we are hoping for a repeat performance.
So, here's to a beautiful day outside and a well rested mommy. :-)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where to start?

On Sunday, we traveled to Martinton to celebrate Noah's cousin, Tyler's 2nd birthday. It was good to see the family again for a few hours. Tyler received lots of fun things. Poor kid just wanted to play with the toy he opened, but was forced to open more presents. It's funny how a child's mind works. Noah enjoyed being out on a farm and playing on tractors and with dogs. He also thoroughly enjoyed the cake...making a gynormous mess.

Yesterday, I went to my lifegroup coaching meeting. It was really good and I received some good prayer. Thanks to Summer for watching the munchkin last night while Dave and I were both at various meetings (his was homeowners).
Today, Dave took Noah to the clinic while he did orders, which allowed me to clean my house in peace. We are doing childcare here tonight for we will see how it goes. I then watched the movie, "The Ex". I, personally, thought it was hilarious! There were so many things that Dave and I could totally relate to that made the whole thing really funny to me. In other news, Noah is cutting his two top incisors...and is not really happy about it. He has been pretty clingy and whiny the last two days. Poor kiddo.
Writing an update blog after this many days is hard because I inevitably forget something truly interesting, but fill it in with chatter that is well...not as much. :-) At least there are pictures though.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Deaf Culture

The Deaf Ed teacher in me loves this link: D-PAN interprets, "Waiting for the World to Change", by John Mayer.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


I have been fighting a strange battle with Noah. He's been sleeping in his big boy bed for a few weeks now. The first couple of weeks, we would leave the door cracked so that he could get out when he woke up. It started out great, except he then started getting up at 5am and would get up repeatedly even after I put him back down. The other side to this, is he is now quiet when he wakes up...he quietly walks into our room and just stares at us until I get a creepy feeling I am being watched, and wake up. This was beginning to disturb my sleep since I thought every noise was him coming into our room. I was sleeping very badly and waking up to EVERYTHING. Then we started shutting his door all the way. With the monitor on, I can still hear him when he wakes up or is playing with toys rather than sleeping so I can still go in there and resituate him as needed.

Last night, we had Abby and Rocky over for dinner. Noah, first of all fell out of the bathtub and has a nice shiner over his right eye (his left eye is already a little black from heaven's knows what he banged into). He looks like a boxer who was on the bad end of a fight. He is so much faster than I am these days in getting into trouble, I just feel like the clean-up crew...and he is CLIMBING everything.

We put him to bed and turned on the monitor, but didn't hear anything. Well, when Abby and Rocky left, I went into check on him as usual. I couldn't get the door open because there was something blocking it...yep, that would be my son, who was sleeping soundly at the base of the door. He didn't even stir as I transferred him up to his own bed. Silly kid.

What's more is that at 5am this morning, I swore I heard him tapping on the door. So I got up, went in there to see and he was still laying in bed. He of course woke up when I went in there though. I tucked him in, covered him and left. A few minutes later, I swore again that he was now awake because I had just been in there. I go BACK in...and again...he is sound asleep. I have become a paranoid freak...and one that is not getting enough sleep.

Dave thinks we should shut the door all the way, and also turn off the monitor (my downfall because I wake up to the slightest stirring). Noah is good enough that he will play with toys or cry out if he really wants out of his room. I am so tired after doing this for a few weeks, I am ready to say yes to about anything. I can't blame anyone but myself, but something has to give.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Noah has a new best friend. Our friend's from church, Ryan and Becky, have a son named River who is 2 weeks older than Noah. We watched River on Saturday night for a few hours. The boys had so much fun together. They also get to see each other on Tuesday nights for lifegroup. They are both just starting to interact a little bit more with one another. It's really cute to watch. Here are some pics of their fun together.

Manic Monday

Monday started off with Noah's cough getting worse. I called the doctor and she said she wanted to see him (we are at a month and a half of this). His appointment was set for 3. We met my neighbor, Kandi, and her girls at Chik-fil-A for lunch. Noah loved hanging out with the girls. Afterwards, we both took naps. At 3, we headed out for his appointment. Apparently, he has a swollen lymph gland, some fluid behind his left ear, and of course the crusty's around his nose. The doctor proclaimed it was allergies gone bad. She has him on 3 different meds though to clear him up. I am just hoping this will help his poor little cough. We then went to pick up his prescription and do some shopping at Walmart (Noah started crying mid-way). When we got home and I was unloading groceries, the phone was ringing. I answered that, unloaded groceries and turned around to see that Noah had grabbed the syrup out of the cupboard...brought it into the living room...opened it and dumped it on him, the table, and all over my carpet. YUCK!!!!!! Thank goodness we have a steam cleaner that was able to get it most of the way up so I didn't have a completely sticky mess. That thing has come in handy more times than I can count and was completely worth the money.
In the evening, Dave headed back off to work and I had some ladies from my lifegroup come over and hang out. Sheena, Kelsey, and Jonell and I watched a movie and chatted. They also entertained my son (who I'm sure gets bored with me on a day-in-day-out basis). He was a little ham when they were kisses and playing with them. It was really low-key, but nice.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Birthday Fun

Yesterday marked the beginning of my 25th year. I am now one quarter of a century old. :-) The day started with Dave getting up with Noah and making me breakfast. I wasn't exactly able to sleep in since we had to leave for Curtis Orchard, but it was still nice to not have to let the dog out and get the kid settled. It was also really cute when Noah came into our room carrying my present(s). He even helped me open it. Noah and Dave got me a thinline NLT bible with my married name engraved on it (almost 4 years of marriage and I still was carrying around the one with "Kerr" on it). They also got me a pink Colt's sweatshirt so that I could join the Colt's club. :-)

We then headed to Summer's and all caravaned over to Champaign to go to Curtis Orchard, which is a really neat pumpkin patch. It was nice to chat with Summer on the way there and back...we don't often get a lot of time to really chat without reprimanding kids or having to hang up due to a kid it was nice. Curtis Orchard was a lot of fun, albeit hotter than we anticipated. Summer, Becky, Haley Shurr, and Sarah R. all went (with children of course). We met up with Melinda for a (brief) minute, but I at least got to see her and hug her...although that almost made it worse since we haven't seen each other in 2 months and a few crazy minutes seemed to mock us...but oh well.

We drove back and all took a little nap, then Dave took us to the Olive Garden for dinner and we came home to a cookie cake (my favorite). It was, all in all, a very nice day.

Thanks to all who sent birthday cards and called to wish Happy honestly meant a lot to me. I have not had real mail in a long time (bills, credit card offers, and magazines...yes, fun So, it was a lot of fun to get birthday mail. :-) They are all displayed with honor on my mantel.

So, here's to another year. Cheers!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Baby Update

I had my second appointment this afternoon. I am measuring on track and got to hear the heartbeat again. Things are looking good. By far, Dave was the most memorable of this appointment. Mind you, he worked overnight last night and went straight into Thorntown, came home, then we left for the appointment. He hasn't had much sleep and was getting a little silly. I won't tell the first story because it will make Dave blush, but lets suffice it to say that we came out of the elevators with me crying I was laughing so hard. It took me a minute to get my bearings and give the receptionist the right information. While sitting in the room, waiting for the doctor, Dave starts noticing different things. He pulled the curtain to see where it went...then noticed a light switch with a red switch. He sat and pondered what it might do for a minute, then on a sudden impulse, flicked the switch...ding! He had just summoned our doctor who (fortunately) happened to be walking in right after that. Again, I am embarassed, but can't stop laughing at his antics. He apologizes to the doctor for his child-like curiosity and we move on. At the end of our visit, we get ushered into a partioned area to talk about how much our insurance is not going to cover. Dave sat in the chair, leaned back, and fell backwards hitting his head on the back wall. Seriously, I almost peed my pants. He's fine by the way. He has the Yenerich noggin. During the meeting, he leaned back again and almost fell back AGAIN. Afterwards, he made a point of lifting up the chair and showing the technician lady that it clearly was broken. I just had to laugh and we left. He's so funny when he's tired.

Our ultrasound is scheduled for Oct. hopefully we will find out if its a little girl or boy on that day. I'm really excited! If nothing else, it will be great to see the baby moving around in there. It is undoubtedly one of my favorite moments of being pregnant.

So that's what's new on our end.

Early morning crabbies

I am a little cranky this morning. Noah woke up too early and since he can now get out and wake ME up, I can't let him cry it out in his crib any longer. I went back in to lay him down in hopes that he might at least try to fall back asleep. I then leap for my bed in the last precious minutes I know that I will get there when I hear the cat meowling outside the window...Noah's window. The cat got out last night (3 different times) and apparently didn't want to come in before I went to bed...oh, but he wanted to come in this morning, and told Noah all about it. Of course, Noah, who loves his cat, is sitting up in bed WIDE awake looking for his kitty. I run, open the big door and let the cat in. By the time I get back, Noah is out of bed again and ready to start the day...NOOOOOOO! I don't love mornings right now. I have morning sickness pretty bad and mornings seem to be the worst. Getting up, taking care of the dog, the kid, getting breakfast for everyone, letting the stupid cat in, and trying not to throw up all in a 5 minute period generally makes a rough start to my day...mostly because I can rarely avoid the last item. Tomorrow, is my birthday, and I am debating asking Dave to forgo a gift and just let me get up on my own in the morning without the breakfast posse looking over at me in bed. Just to get up slowly, maybe eat some crackers, and ease myself into the day. That...would be a wonderful present!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


I know. I know. I say this every week...but I love my lifegroup. Each week I am honored to be a part of a group where people are real and open...God works in that setting...and I am watching it happen. We are still going through life-temonies...its powerful to listen to people's stories and get a deeper glimpse into who they are and how they got here. My group has been really open and I love watching the holy spirit work through that. As the leader, I am often just taking a back seat to what the Holy Spirit is doing and just watching it unfold. God is so much better at knowing what a person needs than I am. We also have really fun dynamics...single, married, dating, college, graduate students, professionals, parents, shy, extroverted...together it brings a really great roundness to the group...allowing us all to be stretched by others within. I leave every Tuesday, thankful to be a part of it.

Thank you God for what you are doing. Keep letting lives be changed. Let us all grow deeper with you as we build relationships with one another. You are amazing Lord and I love you.