Friday, June 22, 2007

Summer Friends

Really nothing new and exciting to report. I spent the day yesterday with Halie and we watched an Affair to Remember. We are trying to culture ourselves by watching movies that are considered classics. It was a good movie. Then we all played in Noah's pool for a little while. In the evening, Jonelly came over to watch Alias Season 5 on DVD and William came over to meet with Dave. Later, Dave took Noah out on his first ride in the "new" bike trailer that I got a good deal on at a garage sale. His friend Tyson stopped by and they both got to take a spin. Meanwhile, Tyson's mom, and my friend, Dana hung out with Jonell and I.
I love summer evenings where friends come and go!

This morning, Dave helped out at home....and is now off playing frisbee golf with Dan. I managed to vacuum and steam clean the carpets. There is something to be said for cleaning carpets...It makes me feel so, well, clean.
Now I'm looking forward to a relaxing afternoon...after I put the kid down for a much needed nap.


The Rock Star said...

The photos look great! :)

Mindy said...

Sounds like a really fun few days! I love those bike trailers, I think they're great. See ya Sunday!

Ann said...

I'm jealous--sounds like lots of fun (even cleaning the carpets--ours need it :))

Amy O said...

We just bought a used bike trailer for Kiri, too! Ahh, young parents. Noah is adorable-- his hair got so light! Hope you guys are doing well.