Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Awesome Gift!

Remember the red/yellow car from a previous post? The one that Noah wouldn't get out of because he loved it so much? When I was at Sarah's yesterday we were talking about his newfound love (as he is sitting in Raya's car and "driving"). I mentioned that if she ever saw one at a garage sale or anything to let me know.

Well, last night on her walk, she apparently ran into someone who had one in her garage. (Don't know the details). Anyway, she told the woman that if she was ever going to sell it, to let her know. The woman just GAVE it to her! So Sarah walked home with a stroller and pushing this red/yellow car for Noah. And now, as soon as we go pick it up, Noah will have a "new" red car to play in. Thanks so much Sarah for asking! Thanks too to the woman who so generously gave it to her!


The Rock Star said...

He is just so CUTE!! :)

Ann said...

Awesome! He'll love it!

Mindy said...

I can't wait to see him riding around in that thing! He's going to be so excited! My brother used to take naps in ours when we were little because he didn't want me to get it first after naptime.