Friday night, Dave took me down to Indy for a night away. It was a blast! Dave's parents came and watched Noah. He didn't even care that we left, he was so happy to see grandma and grandpa. The drive down was nice as Dave and I actually got to talk about real things and not just entertaining Noah. We stayed at the Hilton on the North side of Indy. The restaurant we went to was called Loon Lake Lodge and it was really really close to our hotel (although with traffic it took like 15 minutes to get there). The ambiance was fun and the food was pretty good. Afterwards, we headed to the mall. (Dave's suggestion if you can believe it). We hit the Children's Place and went a little hog wild for Noah since they had 50% off already reduced prices. We got him a couple pairs of shoes for $5 and a few other things. You know you gotta get the kid something when you go away. :-)
We hit a few more stores and then headed back to the hotel. There was a middle school hockey team located in all the rooms around us. Thankfully, they quieted down around 10-10:30 (They were only in middle school...thank goodness). Dave and I slept in this morning until 8:15...the best part was I didn't have to get up with Noah in the middle of the night last night. (Sorry Mom Y!) He's been getting up right around 2am and needs to be consoled to get back to sleep. It was a nice lazy morning as we didn't have an imp to take care of. We leisurely got ready, then drove back home.
We took Dave's parents out for a thank you lunch at Chili's. Poor Noah was so tired, but he was pretty well-behaved. By the time we finally put him down for his nap, he put up no fuss and looked almost thankful to see his bed. We then ALL took naps. I love group nap time. It seemed to be just what I needed to get going again and I felt a lot better after I woke up.
Tonight, we took Noah indoor mini-golfing just for something to do. The place we went uses black lights and glow-in-the-dark paint and it was a lot of fun. We didn't keep score, which is good because I was AWFUL and Noah kept "helping" me. He got his own club and ball, which he effectively used about 15% of the time. He was just happy to be out and about and did a great job of retrieving our ball's for us.
Now, he is in bed...I am finishing laundry...and Dave is settled into a movie. I imagine I will probably be winding down here soon, but I just wanted to send out an update.
It has been a very nice weekend. It was so great for Dave and I to just get away for a night. It keeps our marriage healthy to have a night away from Noah, even though we did miss him alot. It's strange to be away from someone who your world literally revolves around...perhaps that is why it is so important to get away every now and then.
Noah didn't even care when we got home. He was so into grandma he most likely could have cared less if we had been gone for a week. Silly kid, but its nice to know that he responds so well to grandma that we can leave him for awhile.
OK, enough already...I'm signing off. Have a great night!
I am glad the trip went well! :)
Thanks for the phone call. I see golfing was fun, too!
Sounds like fun! Glad he loves Grandma, though I bet he'd notice your absence before a week passed :)
I'm so glad you two could get a night away! And glad that Noah loves going to grandma and grandpa's so much. That mini-golfing place is hilarious, I can't believe Noah wasn't scared of the 3 headed dog!
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