Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Wild Hogs!

Tonight a group of us got together and watched "Wild Hogs". It was a lot of fun. We invited a bunch of people (and they invited more), but it turned out to be a smaller crowd, which was quite alright. It was actually people that we hadn't seen in awhile and so it was really nice to hang out. Since we have been nicknamed the "bean's" by Bill we made BBQ pork and beans for dinner. :-) Jonell, Bill, William and Emily, and Adam and Becky came over to enjoy the movie. We even called midwest rentals to rent a "biker" costume, but they didn't have any. We also looked for temp tatoos...but couldn't find any beyond paradise and sesame street ones...not quite the look we were aiming for. Nevertheless, we still had a great time. Thanks everyone!


Mindy said...

What a fun night! Why the nickname beans? Too bad you didn't do the sesame street tatoos, they're a big crowd pleaser with my preschoolers. Just not super grown up :-)

The Rock Star said...

You were going to get a rental suit? And tats? HIlarious! :)

Ann said...

Sounds like a great time! You'll have to explain the nickname sometime :)