Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday (someday I will get more creative with titles)

Yesterday morning started off rather rough. Noah woke up early (6am) and while running around the living room seemed to have twisted his ankle and fell. When he tried getting back on his feet, his right leg kept giving out from under him and he would start to cry. Although I didn't think he had necessarily broken it since he was putting some pressure on it, it was clear that he was in a lot of pain...So off to urgent care we went. We were the only one's there (7am on a Sunday morning). They got us through really fast, ran a few x-rays, and although the Dr. admitted that he was indeed limping, she couldn't pin-point the location. She said that he could do minor activities and to give him ibuprofen and to check back with our doctor. He was doing a lot better by the time we hit church (although it was still clear he had a limp...poor baby). I wanted to coddle him, but he was insistent upon working through the pain. (It's hard keeping a 1-year old immobile anyway).
I worked in Sunday School yesterday...I love the older kids. One little girl told me she went swimming in Florida and drowned...even though she was there to tell me the story. Another one (who's mom is pregnant) said, "My mom is having a baby. It's human...and a girl." I love these kids. They bring such amusement to my day. :-)

Dave's parents came to watch Noah while Dave and I attended Next Step (the membership class for our church). Apparently, after all the excitement of the morning, he slept for 3 hours (pretty much the whole time they were watching him).

My friend Ann and I talked on Sunday and have decided to try and start meeting together. I am really looking forward to deeping my friendship with her as well as soaking in her wisdom on life, Jesus, and parenthood.

Noah was still walking with a limp at the end of the day, but he was starting to run again so I don't think he was in TOO much pain. Thanks to Mom and Dad Y. for driving here and taking of Noah for Dave and I...we really appreciate it!

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