Saturday, September 29, 2007

Yesterday was an awesome day. We started by hitting some garage sales (not unusual for a Friday morning). We found a few things, but I am still on the hunt for boys clothes. The last two weeks have netted...none. Oh well. Noah got a few new toys, a flashlight, and an outdoor chair. I think he is pretty happy. :-)

Afterwards, we had lunch and ALL took 2 hour naps...It was heavenly. When we woke up, Dave and Noah mowed the lawn (Noah watched or used his little lawnmower) and I cleaned up the kitchen/living room. Later we headed over to Bill and Summer's so that Dave could help Bill move a swingset. Summer made yummy spaghetti and it was nice to catch up.

This morning, Dave went into work and Noah and I attempted to see the free matinee at the movies. We lasted 15 minutes. I was in a sweat by the time we left, and Noah was starting to throw fits. He was much more interested in all the kids, then sitting down to watch a movie. Not unlike what I at least we did it during the free movie. Now, we are back home. Soon it will be lunch and nap time...and I am contemplating a hike to Happy Hollow this afternoon...if I can put the wheel back on Noah's stroller that broke off that is.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

So glad that you had an awesome day. I love watching little boys follow their dads around with toy lawn mowers.