It was a year ago tomorrow that we opened the doors to the River Vineyard Church, nervous, yet excited about what would happen. We had spent months as a team praying over this exact moment. I remember we all stood in shock as we had 50 people that first Sunday. We had no idea where they came from...except from God. The last year has grown this church to around 200 regular attenders. We have seen lives changed, people come to Jesus, leaders raised up, marriages saved, marriages happen, babies born and community expand. The image I get is of people holding hands, but always adding more so it just keeps growing stronger, yet wider...and Jesus is our common thread...what holds us all together.
Today, we celebrated that. We had our 1 year anniversary picnic at Columbian Park. It was great. There were so many people there...many of whom I did not even recognize. It was a lot of fun and a time to rejoice for all that God has done this past year. Noah, as shown in the picture below, had a blast. 
That is a great picture of Noah and Raya! I can't believe it's been a whole year, it blows my mind how much stuff has happened.
Wow, time flies--it's hard to believe all God's done in the last year! Can't wait to see what He does in the next year...or five!
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