(Picture taken down out of respect for this child and his/her family.)
The picture is apparently taken in the Sudan and is of a young child crawling to a feeding station 1/2 mile away as a vulture looks on. It's sickening...I wanted to look away and pretend that it didn't exist...that it was somehow fake...but I know better.
This picture, like it did to Ann, has haunted me since I first saw it. I keep thinking, this could have been my son given different cirumstances. It's a kid...a helpless child. It makes me physically ill. I became very convicted about the way Dave and I lead our lives...and what possible ways we could continue to help out (We already have a compassion child)
Then, the mail came. In it there was a letter from World Vision. Interesting that it came today of all days. Could this be God telling us something? .
I wrote to our compassion international child today as a way to remind myself that the world exists beyond me. In looking for a verse to send to him, I came across 2 Corinthians 9:6-7:
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
For the record, I didn't send that verse...althoughI definitely felt God tugging on my heart strings today through all these different avenues. If you too are interested in getting involved, World Vision has a great venue for providing one-time donations or for sponsoring a child...as does Compassion International. In reality, it takes not going out to eat ONCE to sponsor a child for a month (~$30/month).
I don't know what ever became of that child...the outcome was probably bleak...However, as much as I would like to forget that suffering exists...I can't forget that picture. That picture is a stark reminder that famine does exist, terrible things are happening throughout the world, and, that my life is lavishly rich (no matter how much I sometimes disagree), and that we are called, as Christians, to help those who are less fortunate than us.
Jesus, thank you for the reminder that there is REAL pain and suffering out there. There are REAL needs. Help me to keep that in perspective. The feelings you have invoked in me today, let them bring change...don't allow me to forget because it hurts to see. I pray that you would show me how you want us to partner in this cause and that you would move others to
partner as well. Amen.
1 comment:
I'm not sure whether I'm sorry or glad that it affected you the same way it did me! I also got a letter from my Compassion Child today...
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