Sunday, December 6, 2009


This is the conversation Noah and I had on the way home from church this morning:

Noah: My shoes are getting to be too socks too.

Me: Yep, you're getting bigger.

Yeah, I'm getting bigger! When you and daddy get little, I will drive you. I will drive and Callie will sit up front with me. Then I can wear daddy's shoes!!

I love that someday (at least for now anyway) he wants to take care of us when we are "little". Someday soon he will fit into Dave's shoes. I hope he does...Dave is a great man and they would be good shoes to fill.

Another profound Noahism:

Talking about how much he likes his friends:

"All my friends are my friends!!" Yes, indeed. :-)


mjvan said...

The things kids say! ;)

Karissa said...

Hey is SOOO Cute! He will grow up to be one awesome man ....he's already a pretty awesome little guy right now.