Friday, December 18, 2009

My husband is the best

I was running around trying to get everything done to leave (possibly tonight) for the Irwin Christmas tomorrow, with two whiny kids at my heels. On a whim, Dave decided to take them BOTH with him to run errands. It's AMAZING how much I finished in that amount of time. I baked cookies, swept and mopped the kitchen, picked up, pulled out clothes for everyone for tomorrow, vacuumed, folded two loads of laundry, put EVERYTHING away. He even said that he was taking care of dinner tonight. Wow. Now I'm sitting here, and am not sure what to do with myself. Hmmmm. I have a pretty great husband. :-)


Christy said...

Way to go Dave!

SLP said...

He is great! I need that burst of energy! I decided that all Christmas things need to be done first and then I will attempt to dust, vacuum, and laundry! ONE THING AT A TIME! Or we might just do Christmas and forget the dust:) Merry Christmas to me!!!!!! Enjoy all the fun family times!

mjvan said...

You do have a good one! :)

Unknown said...

Wow! You're amazing! You wanna come take care of my house next? I don't have kids, true, but I can hardly keep up!! :) I hope you have a blissed and blessed holiday season. Love.