Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I'm going to be out of town for a few days, but felt the need for a random here goes:

*I'm now completely addicted to the TV show Chuck. Dave and I have been watching season one on DVD. It's gotten so bad that I had to force myself to go to bed last night, even though there were more episodes to be watched.

*Dave bought me some beautiful flowers today. Dang, he's really good at that. Yellow gerbera daisies and another fall bouquet. I love the man.

*I'm feeling on the verge of a spiritual...something. I feel God tugging at me in random ways (conversations, random thoughts, and children's books too). Hopefully over the weekend I can uncover some of what God is trying to reveal.

*I have a great family. I love my husband and I love my kids. They are pretty stinkin awesome.

*I love fall: the changing of the leaves, apple cider, cooler air, sweatshirts...I love it all (oh fine...maybe even a little football too...but only in moderation...and only if it's an actual game with friends playing and not what's on television...and then only if it's the Colts...sorry dad...)

*Life is good.

1 comment:

Always a Beginner said...

Our Packers beat your Colts last week. It was flippin' sweet!