Friday, October 17, 2008

Clothing Exchange

Well, we had the annual clothing exchange tonight. And, I must say that I thought that it went pretty well. I think most everyone went home with a decent amount of new clothes. What is a clothing exchange, you ask? Well, we get a bunch of girls together, clean out our closets, and pile it all on my floor. We then sort, try on, giggle, and all go home with fun new things. Wine/Champagne/sparkling grape juice is generally involved as well.

I came out with a few pairs of jeans that ACTUALLY fit me, a pair of khakis, 2 pairs of capris, and some other stuff. My husband will be so thrilled. :-) Actually, he loves it, because I get to go "shopping" without spending any money.

Thanks ladies for a super fun evening!!


Elizabeth said...

it was fun Kim! and you MADE out girl!!!
so wheres the pic??? Of course you can blog it!! see you tomorrow!

mjvan said...

Sounds fun!