Monday: I had a meeting for an ASL playgroup. They need people who can sign with little kids while they meet with the parents. They have more volunteers than kids I think...but at least it's an "in" into the deaf community here, which is something that I have been looking for since we've moved here.
Tuesday: Flu shots. Jury duty. All four of us got our flu shots and Dave had jury duty in the morning. He wasn't picked (or even interviewed...he was 3rd to the last on the list) so he came home at lunch. My flu shot knocked me out so badly that I went to bed at 7:30 on Tuesday night. Yowsers.
Wednesday: After sleeping almost 11 and a half hours, I was feeling pretty good Wednesday morning. Because it was such a beautiful day, we went to the zoo with some friends. It was gorgeous weather! We had a great time.
We even took the train for the first time. It was fun for a one time deal.
When we got home, I decided to plant some bulbs. Meanwhile, Dave raked leaves...and the kids helped.
Thursday: Noah had a field trip to the library through preschool. Callie and I joined him. I'm learning it's a bit chaotic to try and do that with two kids, but we managed. I think he actually might have done better if I wasn't there. He was really shy and clingy. In the afternoon, it started raining, so we explored with some fingerpaints.
Noah was much cleaner than Callie who dug into it with abandon. It was fun.
Our friend Sarah came over last night. The kids went gaga over her. They wouldn't leave her alone and peppered her with books and entertainment. Noah considers her one of his best friends and Callie yells out, "Sharah!"
After the kids went to bed, Dave, Sarah, and I played Uno Attack. Sarah won twice, Dave won once, and well...I was just there to make people feel good about themselves. :-)
It's been a good week.
1 comment:
you all are so spontaneous! I could never just go to the zoo on a whim.. have to plan for weeks.. lol
I didn't know you were working with signs? was that part of your degree? very interesting!
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