Friday, December 31, 2010

Look what you've done for me

The other day I was finishing up the book of John. For some reason, the very last verse really struck me. John ends the book by saying, "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written"- John 21:25

I sat and pondered that for a moment. Then I began to mentally list the things that God has done for me alone:

-Pulled me out of despair with my parents divorce
-When I gave my life to him in 8th great I felt freedom and great joy.
-In all 3 high schools that I attended, he brought Godly people into my life to encourage me.
-Provided a Godly husband who continues to strengthen and encourage me.
-Despite circumstances, I have always had a mother figure in my life to look up to
-I have two beautiful healthy children.
-I have a wonderful community around me who loves me as I am, but also spurs me on.
-In my toughest moments, I have felt the power of God come over me and bring me peace.
-He paved the way for Dave and I to buy this house. (If you ever want to hear the story...we'll be happy to tell you)

More recently... (which is somehow easier to remember)
-He healed my hip while at summer conference
-He has broken off sin and things that I have been struggling with for many years.
-He has raised up Godly women to spur me on
-He has strengthened Dave and my marriage
-He uses others to speak words of encouragement just for me. Twice in the last month I have had people not know the exact circumstances of what I was going through and because God laid it on their heart, they were able to pray EXACTLY what I needed.

I've also witnessed him heal:
-a knee
-a foot
and those are just what I remember

In the life of our church:
-I've seen countless people's lives transformed by God's redeeming power.
-People have been healed from hurts that have haunted them for years.
--He has brought hundreds of people to our doorstep.
-Our first Sunday we had 50 people! I remember standing at the back of the church, knowing that something Holy was indeed happening...because we didn't know any of them. God brought them.

This list is SO partial. It's early, but if I COULD remember everything, I know that my own story could write a book.

What has God done for you?

1 comment:

Hirra said...

Wow. I love this post Kim. I sporadically get on here and read blogs every once in a while. I'm glad I read this today. Isn't God amazing? I have to say I am so thankful for Godly neighbors like you and Dave even though we don't see you a lot. We prayed about God putting us in the right place and I thank Him that he chose a place close to you guys. You and your children are a blessing to our family. Thank you! :)