Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane...

Don't know how much time I'll have tomorrow to write. We are leaving for Seattle, Washington on Thursday for a few days. We, meaning Dave and I. The kids are going to be in good hands with Emi and the grandparents. Dave and I are going with our pastor to help with a church in our network's fall conference. I'm really looking forward to what God's going to do and excited for my first trip ever to the West coast. I don't think I've been farther west than Kansas.

So this week has been spent with all the nitty-gritty details of what to pack, what details to leave behind for everyone who is watching the kids, and the surreal feeling that I'm leaving the kids for the longest time to date. I know they're in great hands, but still, I have my moments. When Callie woke up from nap and came out of her room, I was just so struck with how much I love her. The same with Noah when he woke up. He said, "Mommy, I love you." He's such a sweet kid. I am so richly blessed. I will definitely miss them, that's for sure.

I've got as much as I want to do tonight done, so I'm probably going to wind down for the evening. Tomorrow will be another busy day...and hopefully some play time can be added in there with my munchkins. :-)

Please pray that we all have safe travel. That God would really show up at this conference and that people's lives will be changed. Pray for spiritual renewel (both for myself and the people attending the conference). I'm trusting that God is going to move.

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