Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Very Happy Birthday, Indeed

Yesterday marked my 28th year of life. Dave let me sleep in, which was wonderful. I woke up to two very excited children yelling, "Surprise! Happy Birthday!" and a wonderful husband making pancakes. Noah was pretty insistant that I open my presents right away. Besides the beautiful pink gerbera daisies and the cookie cake, there were two presents wrapped in princess paper. The first one was from the kiddos. They had wrapped one of Noah's beanie baby bears and had given it me as a "gift". Incredibly sweet, although I think Noah has already re-acquired it. The second present was "the" present that Dave and Noah had been scouting for on their "boy trips" recently. Dave got me the video camera that I had been eyeing for some time now! I LOVE it! We've already taken some fun video of the kids and I can't wait to record more memories! Being the smart man that he is, he had it already charged up and in a carrying case for me...ready to go.

For lunch, Dave watched SIX children while my friend Sarah and I went out for our very first lunch without children (we've known each other for well over 4 years). We had a great time enjoying adult conversation with minimal disturbances. Dave actually had a great time too. He raked leaves and the kids jumped in them. He was a great sport for taking them all on so Sarah and I could have a nice lunch out.

After the kids were in bed for nap, we cuddled and watched the House that we DVR'd. I got many wonderful phone calls yesterday and well, you've gotta love the facebook love. Seriously, it's social networking at it's finest. :-)

Kristin P. stopped by on her way home from teaching and said hi. It was really nice to see her, even for a few minutes.

We had lifegroup last night. Our group surprised me with a birthday cake. It was incredibly sweet and mildly embarassing since the bulk of the group have children my age...but they were great sports and made me feel very loved.

The best part of the day is that I now get to share my birthday with Kyle Conrad Moore, who was born to my longtime, dear friend Brooke, and her husband Conrad, last night. Congratulations you two! I want to see pictures very soon!

It was all-in-all, a WONDERFUL birthday. Thanks to all who called and wrote to help make my birthday very special.

1 comment:

SLP said...

I didn't get it in yesterday, but Happy Birthday dear friend!