Sometimes I wish you could be a fly on our wall. Noah is telling the funniest stories and has the greatest antics. It's just so hard to remember them, and translate them well.
Callie is taking steps. She still only takes them to people who highly motivate her. She won't just take them to take them. She can make 6-7 steps though. She's definitely making progress. I think once she finds her courage and just decides to do it...she will. She had her shots yesterday (I was a little behind) and we have another ear check-up tomorrow. We'll see what the doctor says on the next steps. She can say dada, mama, dawdaw (dog), and can sign food. I'm working on varying her signs as well.
Dave and I are going on a date tonight...I think we're going to see "Up". We've both heard really good things about it.
Since I last posted, we've planted our garden out front. We've added hostas, delphiniums, ice plants, some cute little white flowered plants, coneflowers, and a few others that may not make it. We bought some of them from a woman just out of her yard. She was trying to thin out. The hostas seem to be thriving. That's good. They look really nice.
I've also hit some really good garage sales. Last weekend, I hit one where all her girls stuff was a quarter a piece. I went a little hog wild. It was all name brand and some of it was NEW! It was the find of the season. This picture if just from that one garage sale:
Anyway, life is good. Busy, but good. We're waiting to hear about a few babies coming into the world. A good friend of mine should have one by the end of the weekend and Dave's cousin should be sometime this month. Exciting!
Love the tiny pink Crocs!
if you need anything else for your yard.... mine is bursting out ! will definately be thinning out soon! good finds at the garage sales. that Is one thing I can't bring myself to do.
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