Thursday, March 19, 2009


OK, so every year, Thorntown gives Dave a gift certificate to Beef and Boards, a dinner theater in Indy. This year we decided to use it to see Cats, so we had our fabulous babysitters back (Sarah B. and Emi). Dave and I ended up sharing a table with another couple. At first, I was really nervous about this, but the couple we shared it with turned out to be a lot of fun! Donna, as it turns out is an avid Karen Kingsbury fan (as am I) and we talked on and on about the different books that she had written. She's even going to call me today and give me more information about one that she had read but couldn't remember the details! They have been married for 46 years and it was so much fun to hang out with a couple with that track record. They regaled us with stories of all their traveling and cruises (they had just recently retired). We enjoyed them immensely.

The show was pretty good as well. I think it's the best one that we have seen there. Everyone had really good abilities and I really like Andrew Lloyd Webber's music. There really was no plot though, which was kind of confusing to me at times, but the music was fun.

It was a lot of fun for Dave and I. It's so nice to be able to get out on dates more often these days. We had a great time.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

how fun! B and B is tons of fun.. though I can't say that I have enjoyed Cats. you should go see Stomp in a couple weeks at PU. (if you haven't see in ROCKS!).
also, I just started reading Karen K. books(well, one!)