The other day I was finishing up the book of John. For some reason, the very last verse really struck me. John ends the book by saying, "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written"- John 21:25
I sat and pondered that for a moment. Then I began to mentally list the things that God has done for me alone:
-Pulled me out of despair with my parents divorce
-When I gave my life to him in 8th great I felt freedom and great joy.
-In all 3 high schools that I attended, he brought Godly people into my life to encourage me.
-Provided a Godly husband who continues to strengthen and encourage me.
-Despite circumstances, I have always had a mother figure in my life to look up to
-I have two beautiful healthy children.
-I have a wonderful community around me who loves me as I am, but also spurs me on.
-In my toughest moments, I have felt the power of God come over me and bring me peace.
-He paved the way for Dave and I to buy this house. (If you ever want to hear the story...we'll be happy to tell you)
More recently... (which is somehow easier to remember)
-He healed my hip while at summer conference
-He has broken off sin and things that I have been struggling with for many years.
-He has raised up Godly women to spur me on
-He has strengthened Dave and my marriage
-He uses others to speak words of encouragement just for me. Twice in the last month I have had people not know the exact circumstances of what I was going through and because God laid it on their heart, they were able to pray EXACTLY what I needed.
I've also witnessed him heal:
-a knee
-a foot
and those are just what I remember
In the life of our church:
-I've seen countless people's lives transformed by God's redeeming power.
-People have been healed from hurts that have haunted them for years.
--He has brought hundreds of people to our doorstep.
-Our first Sunday we had 50 people! I remember standing at the back of the church, knowing that something Holy was indeed happening...because we didn't know any of them. God brought them.
This list is SO partial. It's early, but if I COULD remember everything, I know that my own story could write a book.
What has God done for you?
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Oh Karen...
First let me say that I love my husband who graciously understands my deep enjoyment of reading novels by Karen Kingsbury. He asked me today if I was hanging out with my best friend Karen. :-) Yes, yes I was.
I just finished reading "Unlocked" (thanks Mom Y!)...and I was not disappointed. I would often run out of the bedroom while I was reading, hug Dave, and exclaim "I love Jesus!". For those concerned, yes I realize this is a fictional book...but with most of Karen's books she believes in God's miraculous power and scripts it so well in her books. Sometimes, I feel my prayers are weak..."Lord, let your will be done..." It feels easier than to pour my heart into earnest prayer for an outcome. Granted, God, in His infinite wisdom understands situations far better than I do...and He knows that sometimes we are meant to face challenges and trials in order to grow. Sometimes, it's just not the right time. But yet, I get challenged often to pray bolder prayers. "He answered their prayers, because they trusted him" (1 Chronicles 5:20) The mom in this book prayed for her son for FIFTEEN years. God is faithful. He loves us.
I guess it was a reminder to keep praying specifically and boldly...and with faith.
If you've never read should. :-)
I just finished reading "Unlocked" (thanks Mom Y!)...and I was not disappointed. I would often run out of the bedroom while I was reading, hug Dave, and exclaim "I love Jesus!". For those concerned, yes I realize this is a fictional book...but with most of Karen's books she believes in God's miraculous power and scripts it so well in her books. Sometimes, I feel my prayers are weak..."Lord, let your will be done..." It feels easier than to pour my heart into earnest prayer for an outcome. Granted, God, in His infinite wisdom understands situations far better than I do...and He knows that sometimes we are meant to face challenges and trials in order to grow. Sometimes, it's just not the right time. But yet, I get challenged often to pray bolder prayers. "He answered their prayers, because they trusted him" (1 Chronicles 5:20) The mom in this book prayed for her son for FIFTEEN years. God is faithful. He loves us.
I guess it was a reminder to keep praying specifically and boldly...and with faith.
If you've never read should. :-)
Christmas Recap
So MUCH has happened in the last few weeks. I have tried blogging numerous times. There have been so many topics flirting through my mind...usually while I am in bed and too tired to get up and write.
For instance, on Dec. 10, I slipped on some ice while carrying Callie and a muffin pan. We went down FLAT. Callie, thankfully was OK...but I ended up going into the ER with Dave's mom because my hip kept catching and I was in a LOT of pain. The most vivid memory I have of that time is when they asked me to put on a gown to take x-rays, I panicked, thinking, "I wonder what underwear I'm wearing...I hope it doesn't have holes..." After that, it was vicadin-land for me and I was feeling pretty great about most things. Nothing was broken...just bruised. It happened on a Friday night and by Sunday afternoon, I was feeling MUCH better. That weekend we had Christmas at the Irwins. Aside from me being sort of out of it, we had a great visit. It was great to see that side of the family. Dave had to work, so Dad Y. drove us up there (thankfully since I was still on vicadin).
The following weekend was Christmas at my mom's. On our way there, we got a flat tire...had to head back into Lafayette to get it changed...while on our way, someone kindly flagged us down while we were driving to let us know that we had no brake lights. Poor was a LONG day. We waited for the new tire for a few hours, then had to fix the brake lights (Thankfully, the tire was covered and the brake light problem was an easy/cheap fix). When all was said and done we had to post-pone Christmas at my mom's until Sunday.
Thankfully, after those two fiascos, Christmas, itself, was a little less eventful. I love that Noah knows that Christmas is special because it is Jesus' birthday. We made cupcakes for Jesus on Friday night and then went to our Christmas eve service. On Christmas morning, we read the Christmas story, prayed and then the kids got to open their presents. Afterwards, we went to Dave's parents house for Christmas again. It was a very nice and relaxing day.
We still have one more Christmas with my dad's family and that will be this Saturday. Meanwhile, things here are settling back into routine. Rooms are put back together...Christmas decorations came down yesterday. The kids are still all about their new toys, so play time has been peaceful. We've been to the Children's Museum and saw the zoo lights. Spiritually, it's been a really good month for me to reflect on the year, and how I'm doing in my relationship with Jesus. God's been bringing up a lot of things, and I'm hopeful that some of it will be dealt with in the new year.
Happy New Year everyone!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Snow much fun!
Dave and the kids braved the cold on Saturday and played out in the snow. They had A LOT of fun. Noah was over the moon about having enough snow to make a snowman.
Daddy took the sled down...and got a little silly. Then Chester ran by and sprayed snow all over him. :-)
Hope you all are staying warm and enjoying the winter weather. I know that we are. :-)
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Tis the season...
Holiday cards are next on my to do list. And you know me...I can't pass up a good deal. :-) Shutterfly is doing a promo for 50 free greeting cards if we mention them on their blog. Can do. :-)
They actually have really neat cards. To be honest, I really like their styles...These are a few of my favorites...but there are a lot of cute ones. If you're looking for christmas cards, you can click on this link.
The above one is my current favorite...however, for all those who are going to be receiving one, the verdict is still out. :-)

So, be sure to check out their website. They also have calendars. A certain someone might be getting her yearly calendar from shutterfly. One never knows.
Wherever you are at in the holiday season, enjoy it. Wishing you a safe and wonderful holiday season!
They actually have really neat cards. To be honest, I really like their styles...These are a few of my favorites...but there are a lot of cute ones. If you're looking for christmas cards, you can click on this link.

The above one is my current favorite...however, for all those who are going to be receiving one, the verdict is still out. :-)

So, be sure to check out their website. They also have calendars. A certain someone might be getting her yearly calendar from shutterfly. One never knows.
Wherever you are at in the holiday season, enjoy it. Wishing you a safe and wonderful holiday season!
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