Sunday, March 2, 2008

Fresh Air

Yes, I experienced it today. As did Noah. We just finished playing outside for the last almost 2 hours. We went to the park and played and then came back home. We only came in because Noah successfully soaked his pants in the slushy grass. I have now opened up the windows for some fresh air in the house. THANK YOU JESUS for this hint of spring weather. I realize this is probably only a preview, but I for one, am thrilled to know that the winter doldrums are soon coming to an end. YEA for Spring! Now I need to attend to my pants-less wonder and get dinner on the table. What a beautiful day.


Mindy said...

I agree whole heartedly! I drove around Laf. with my windows down and enjoyed every perfect minute.

Ann said...

Yeah, Spring! We played outside for quite a while--nicely muddied shoes :)